Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy 2 (EFIT)


Individual distress from a humanist perspective where attachment theory and emotional life are at the heart of the therapist’s concerns. Discover and work with central emotional experiences and their internal dynamics. Use the 5 steps of the TCÉ Tango to shape corrective emotional experiences. Learn to deepen the emotional experience of the patient in Stage II treatment, to allow consolidation of lasting change in Stage III.

Theoretical presentations, discussions, practical and experiential dyad exercises, case studies from videoscoped sessions.
Acquis pour les thérapeutes

This training allows you to deepen your skills in Individual Therapy Centered on Emotions. We will mainly discuss Stage II and III of treatment: restructuring and consolidation.

You will learn validated techniques, which place attachment at the heart of therapeutic work, and which allow the treatment of the most frequent problems encountered in individual therapy: anxiety, depression, relationship problems, trauma. You will continue to learn Tango and EFT micro interventions in your work with individuals.

Lieu de la formation
Par Zoom







Dates proposées

8 December 2022
-   9 December 2022

La formatrice

Anne Belgram-Perkins
Certified EFT Trainer
Psychologue Clinicienne, Thérapeute, Superviseur et Formatrice agréée ICEEFT Organisme de formation enregistré sous le numéro 32600398160

Level 2

Emotion-centered therapy, whose effectiveness has been validated by extensive research, is based on attachment theory and neuroscience. This therapy was developed and developed by Sue Johnson, professor emeritus of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Ottawa and her colleagues in Canada for the past 30 years. First developed for couples and then families, this innovative model has been extended to individual therapy.

According to Johnson, psychotherapy is effective when it focuses on the therapeutic power of emotional connection within an attachment relationship. With EFIT / TICE, the therapeutic alliance allows the establishment of a secure link promoting better emotional regulation. Central attachment emotions are explored to create corrective emotional experiences, which enhance the relationship with oneself and others.

The therapist first helps the patient to discover and validate their internal emotional patterns which often undermine their well-being.

Secondly, the therapist, with the collaboration of the patient, shapes corrective emotional experiences aimed at transforming these patterns into new positive internal dynamics, promoting positive connection with oneself and with others.

Thirdly, by getting to know himself in this way, the patient has more confidence in his own strengths which become a sort of “guide for better living”. He develops the ability to create secure and satisfying relationships with others and increase self-confidence, in a new and positive dynamic between his inner and relational worlds.

EFT has ​​been proven to work with various types of patients in private practice as well as in university training centers and hospitals. It is performed in North America, as well as in many other countries in Central America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Bulletin d’inscription

Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy 2 (EFIT)
8 December 2022
-   9 December 2022
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